Fixed Income Investment Philosophy

BCV’s fixed income strategy is rooted in fundamental analysis and security selection, with a special emphasis on corporate bonds. Our core competency lies in credit analysis, which enables us to capitalize on the significant additional yield offered by corporate bonds compared to government bonds. While government bonds may be strategically employed for tactical and liquidity purposes, the primary focus remains on company fundamentals, supplemented by third party credit rating data.

The investment universe spans across the investment grade and non-investment grade spectrum, allowing us to carefully evaluate opportunities based on in-depth research. The majority of our fixed income holdings mature, or are expected to be called, within a time frame of 1 to10 years. This offers the flexibility to adapt to changes in interest rates. Additionally, within client portfolios we employ bond laddering to help mitigate maturity concentration risks within a given year.

Q4 2024 - Portfolio Update

In our most recent webcast we discuss the activity in your portfolio during the quarter.