BCV Dividend Growth
We focus on conservative, large-capitalization, blue-chip companies that align with our value investment style. These companies, characterized by robust balance sheets, industry leadership, and above-average profitability, serve as the cornerstone for our pursuit of long-term earnings and dividend growth. When initiating positions, we target shares trading at below-average valuation multiples, positioning client portfolios for anticipated price appreciation over time.
We distinguish ourselves through a meticulous, research-driven approach, conducting thorough fundamental analysis on potential investments. We supplement our internal research with selective use of external research, which broadens our understanding of targeted companies. In addition, we engage in capital market forecasting for the countries and regions in which we invest, thus ensuring a more comprehensive perspective on our investment portfolios.
Client equity investments are guided by our commitment to long-term value creation. We embrace a buy-and-hold strategy, and aim to stay fully invested as we seek to maximize capital returns while minimizing capital risk. We are selective in the companies included in client investment portfolios, typically holding 45 to 50 individual securities as a concentrated philosophy. We aim for a balance between a focus on compelling investments and appropriate diversification.
Moreover, continuous vigilance is integral to our investment approach. We regularly reassess our investment holdings, validating the initial rationale for their selection and ensuring they remain reasonably valued.
Our adherence to our process has created long-term value for clients.