
BCV oversees and manages a diversified, multi-asset class, Alternatives investment portfolio that is sub-advised by specialists. Alternative assets, unlike stocks that are traded on an exchange, consist of private holdings in asset classes such as: real estate, mortgages, infrastructure, private credit, private equity, and other liquid alternatives. While the majority of BCV’s Alternatives holdings are private investments, we maintain a portion of the portfolio in liquid securities for investors with near-term cash flow requirements. 

We follow a robust due diligence process in evaluating each Alternatives opportunity. Our initial focus is on fundamental characteristics that include capital preservation, low volatility, strong cash flows, strong management teams and a track record of success.  After the initial review, the next step is to interview senior management with a detailed set of questions. As part of our financial due diligence, we evaluate financial statements, performance track records, underlying leverage, and fee structures. In addition, we conduct operational due diligence, which includes onsite visits, reviewing corporate governance structures, and a thorough review of documentation. Once an investment is selected, we conduct ongoing research, scrutinizing each investment for any change to the initial investment thesis.

Q4 2024 - Portfolio Update

In our most recent webcast we discuss the activity in your portfolio during the quarter.