About BCV

Founded in 2007, BCV Asset Management Inc. (‘BCV’) is a portfolio management firm dedicated to building and protecting client wealth. We offer customized investment portfolios within Separately Managed Accounts. Our clients have a direct relationship with their Portfolio Manager who is entrusted with managing their wealth and providing a high level of personalized and professional service. Our discretionary portfolio management service is available to investors who meet our minimum threshold of investible assets and are seeking alternatives to mass-market investment products such as mutual funds and brokerage wrap accounts.

BCV is an independent company wholly owned by its employees and key business associates. The employee shareholders are seasoned investment professionals who are supported in the day-to-day operations by a team with extensive experience in the financial services industry. The wider ownership group includes external professionals with broad-based experience in the financial planning, legal, banking, and information technology fields.

In 2021, BCV acquired two local Winnipeg firms, Antares Investment Management Inc. and Nelson Financial Consultants. In so doing, we added depth to our investment and operations teams and broadened our offering to clients. The three firms moved in together at our new office in 2022. Combined assets under management exceed $4 billion. 


BCV’s principal regulator is the Manitoba Securities Commission. BCV is registered as a Portfolio Manager in all Canadian provinces and territories. In addition, BCV is registered in various Canadian jurisdictions as an Investment Fund Manager and as an Exempt Market Dealer. BCV’s registration details can be found on the Canadian Securities Administrators database at: https://info.securities-administrators.ca/nrsmobile/nrssearch.aspx