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This video highlights the added value of over $1.10 billion that BCV has provided to its clients to date since its inception in 2007. The blue line represents the net invested capital that clients have entrusted with BCV with the green line representing the growth and market value of that invested capital over time. The video also highlights the numerous challenges and events that financial markets have faced over the same 17-year timeline. Please watch this video for more details.
Founded in 2007, BCV Asset Management Inc. (‘BCV’) is a portfolio management firm dedicated to building and protecting client wealth. We offer customized investment portfolios within Separately Managed Accounts. Our clients have a direct relationship with their Portfolio Manager who is entrusted with managing their wealth and providing a high level of personalized and professional service.
Our discretionary portfolio management service is available to investors who meet our minimum threshold of investible assets and are seeking alternatives to mass-market investment products such as mutual funds and brokerage wrap accounts.
BCV Asset Management Inc. follows a value investment style, seeking to purchase undervalued or fairly-valued companies that have long-term earnings and dividend growth potential.
What Is A Portfolio Manager?
A Portfolio Manager is an investment professional who manages investment portfolios on behalf of individuals, corporations or institutions.
Fiduciary Duty to Clients
A Portfolio Manager is bound by a fiduciary duty to act with care, honesty and good faith, always in the best interest of their clients.
Professional Qualifications
A Portfolio Manager is subject to the highest levels of education and professional experience requirements in the Canadian investment industry.